Search Results
Avoid Spins By Learning To Spin - Sporty's Advanced Pilot Skills Series with Spencer Suderman (9)
Is the impossible turn possible? Sporty's Advanced Pilot Skills Series with Spencer Suderman (ep 10)
Stalls are fun! Sporty's Advanced Pilot Skills Series with Spencer Suderman (episode 2)
G-load and bank angle - Sporty's Advanced Pilot Skills Series with Spencer Suderman (ep. 7)
Cessna 172 gliding distance - Sporty's Advanced Pilot Skills Series with Spencer Suderman (ep. 6)
Which Flight Control Turns The Plane? Advanced Pilot Skills Series with Spencer Suderman (ep. 3)
Basic Airmanship - Sporty's Advanced Pilot Skills Series with Spencer Suderman (episode 1)
Flying Shapes in the Sky - Sporty's Advanced Pilot Skills Series with Spencer Suderman (episode 4)
Upset prevention and recovery - Sporty's Advanced Pilot Skills Series with Spencer Suderman (ep. 8)
Crossover Spin with High Negative G - Headset Chinstrap Test
Private Pilot Tips, with Spencer Suderman - Emergencies and a busy traffic pattern (episode 3)
Turns, Stalls & Spins - Episode 1: Which Flight Control Turns the Airplane?